Specialist Judge,

FutureEngineers.Org Artemis MoonPod Essay Contest

Evaluated narrative and science-based speculative essays on life support systems for Lunar research stations written by K-12 students. Graded content based on scientific concept, originality, and relevance to NASA Artemis mission research objectives.

Contest details:

Take remote learning a little further as in 250,000 miles further. NASA collaborated with Future Engineers to create the Artemis Moon Pod Essay Contest. The contest, open to U.S. students in grades K-12, launches on Tuesday, Sept. 15 and runs through Dec. 17, 2020, challenging participants to imagine leading a one-week expedition to the Moon’s South Pole.

Just imagine: You and a crew of astronauts will explore the lunar surface, making discoveries to assist future explorers. Describe your team the number of astronauts in your crew, the skills they possess, their personality traits, and the attributes you would want in crewmates. Next, what machine, piece of technology, or robot would you leave behind on the lunar surface to help future astronauts explore the Moon?


Event organizer: Magnopus, NASA Ames


Interviewer: Magnopus, Science and Technology Council of the Academy Awards