About me…

  • Collaborative creative

  • Tinkering researcher

  • Podcast person

  • Original content pictured on the following software: Soundtrap, Milanote, Figma


Since the fateful day when college freshman Olivia interviewed the chair of the Academy Awards’ Science and Technology Council, she always kept a toe dipped in both the creative technology fields and science breakthroughs that inspired them.

Olivia Siu has been featured in local, national, and international media. For fun, she hosted events for the buzzing science and entertainment disciplines. She has won global and interdisciplinary awards for conducting and presenting performance and behavioral research.

Have a brilliant scientific concept that needs its due storytelling?

Need to validate a prototype in a clinical or entertainment setting?


Data synthesis and distillation

Translation of raw data to insights

User research-informed improvements

Design thinking to solution exploration

“Olivia’s ability to effectively communicate with her team, provide insight, direction, and work through complex situations is commendable. She is both a strong independent researcher and an admired team player. ”

Dr. Hami Ray • Senior Principal Biologist, NASA Ames