Podcaster: Gulf of Alaska Open-Sea Expedition

Funded by the National Science Foundation.

Listen to the 5-episode series now!

Audio version on podcast platforms.

Video version with subtitles on Youtube.

As a Podcast Reporter, this was a solo field assignment aboard the R/V Sikuliaq ship, where I conducted crew interviews, reported on the multiple on-site professions and science disciplines, and produced the final product for public consumption in Adobe Premiere Pro.

This is a volunteer media coverage position with the Steen Lab at University of Southern California.

“Climb aboard the R/V Sikuliaq with host and reporter, Olivia Siu, on a two-week research expedition to study deep sea ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska. Learn the ins and outs of the science, ship, crew, and job where field science is at the very heart.

- EP 1: The Pilot

Biology Team: Steen Lab

Geochemistry Team: Tessin Lab

Paleooceanography Team: Walczak Site

Ship: Sikuliaq Research Vessel Site




Technical Producer, Keck Medical School